turkey immediate citizenshipTurkish citizenship by descent allows an individual to obtain Turkish citizenship if they can prove their Turkish ancestry.

As you’ll come to find out, Turkish citizenship by descent is a way for applicants to get in touch with their family’s rich cultural history and comes with many benefits.

In this ultimate guide you will learn about:

Benefits of Turkish Citizenship

Turkish citizenship not only opens doors to a country that’s rich in culture and history but also offers practical benefits like visa-free travel, economic opportunities, and a high quality of life, making it an attractive option for many around the globe.

GCS-ICONS-07Strategic location

Turkey’s unique geographical position straddles both Europe and Asia, offering a strategic advantage for business and travel. It bridges East and West, providing easy access to various markets across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

GCS-ICONS-56Visa free travel

Turkish citizens enjoy visa-free or visa –on arrival access to many countries worldwide, including various destinations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Turkish passport visa free countries facilitate easy travel for business, education, and leisure purposes.

GCS-ICONS-46Economic opportunities

Turkey’s growing economy presents numerous investment and employment opportunities. The Turkish government offers incentives for foreign investors, including the Turkish citizenship by investment program, which allows individuals to obtain citizenship through real estate investments or capital contributions.

Quality of life

Turkey is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, from beautiful beaches to majestic mountains. The cost of living is relatively low compared to many Western countries, yet it offers a high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and modern amenities.

GCS Icon HandshakeCultural and social harmony

Turkey is a melting pot of cultures, offering a cosmopolitan lifestyle while maintaining its unique traditions and heritage. The society is welcoming and diverse, allowing newcomers to integrate easily.

GCS-ICONS-47Passport privileges

The Turkish passport offers  a range of benefits including visa free travel to various countries, allowing you to travel more freely.

Dual citizenship

Turkey recognizes dual citizenship, providing benefits of both countries as long as the other country recognizes dual citizenship.

GCS-ICONS-12Property ownership

Turkish citizens are not restricted in purchasing or selling property in Turkey.

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What is Turkish Citizenship by Descent?

turkey-descendent-soonTurkish Citizenship by Descent is a provision within the Turkish nationality law that allows individuals with Turkish ancestry to acquire Turkish citizenship.

This form of citizenship is granted to people who have at least one parent who is a Turkish citizen, regardless of where they were born. The idea behind citizenship by descent is to keep the bond strong between the Turkish state and its diaspora, ensuring that descendants of Turkish nationals have the right to become citizens themselves if they wish to do so.

To claim this citizenship, one typically needs to prove their parents’ Turkish citizenship through official documents, such as birth certificates, national ID cards, or passports. Once the lineage is established, and the paperwork is submitted, the Ministry of Interior reviews the application, and the individual may be granted citizenship.

This pathway to citizenship values the importance of bloodline and heritage in the transmission of national identity and rights from one generation to the next.

It’s a common practice in many countries to strengthen cultural and familial ties to the nation, offering a sense of belonging and identity to those with Turkish roots living abroad.

Turkish Citizenship by Descent Eligibility Criteria

Turkish law dictates that the right to citizenship isn’t based on where you are born, but kinship instead. This means that even if you are born in Turkey, it doesn’t guarantee automatic citizenship.

For obtaining Turkish citizenship, the most important factor is the nationality of your parents at the time of your birth. If either one of them is a Turkish citizen, then citizenship will be passed down to you.

Acquiring Turkish citizenship can also be done through your ancestry, although it’s not as straightforward as through a Turkish citizen parent. However, if you can prove your Turkish or Ottoman ancestry, there is a good chance that you can become a Turkish citizen.

Turkish Citizenship by Descent Document Requirements

You must satisfy all the requirements set out by the Turkish government for citizenship by descent, as the Turkish authorities are meticulous about any claims of ancestry. Some of the documents you need to provide include:

  • Certified copy of your birth certificate
  • Birth certificate of one or both parents
  • Marriage certificate of your parents if they were married at the time of your birth
  • Proof of your current citizenship status or residency
  • Completed application form
  • Clean criminal record
  • Sufficient knowledge of the Turkish language
  • Verified proof of your Turkish ancestry

Providing Turkish authorities with the required documentation is crucial, but your most challenging part might be proving your Turkish lineage. It will go a long way if you have a Turkish passport of a grandparent, but according to the Turkish government, you must provide any of the following documents:

  • Turkish Republic civil status registration papers
  • Population identity books
  • Passports and valid equivalent documents
  • Declaration statements of citizenship issued by the Turkish consulates

Copies and records of these documents are kept in the Ottoman archives in Istanbul or Ankara, and must be verified by a notary to be accepted as part of your application.

How to Obtain Turkish Citizenship by Descent: Step by Step

Here are the steps to obtain Turkish citizenship by descent:

  1. Step one: Research: There are strict eligibility criteria which are best understood alongside a legal expert (Turkish Immigration Lawyers) or immigration specialist to ensure you have everything needed from the start.
  2. Step two: Gather documents: Ensure you have all the necessary documents for a complete application, including birth certificates, proof of descent, passports, identity card, and a family registration certificate (if necessary).
  3. Step three: Notarization and translation: Documents that are not in Turkish must be translated and notarized.
  4. step four: Completed application: You must complete your citizenship application form in full to ensure there are no delays.
  5. Step five: Submit the complete application: At this stage you can submit your application form and all accompanying documents to the Turkish consulate or local Turkish embassy if you are outside the country. Alternatively, you can submit the application to the Directorate General of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs.
  6. Step six: Attend interviews: Some applications require an interview to prove legitimate Turkish lineage.
  7. Step seven: Citizenship approval: Once everything is complete, submitted, and reviewed you will receive Turkish citizenship approval, making you a legal citizen of Turkey.

Overall, obtaining Turkish citizenship by descent is a straightforward process as long as you have the required documents and complete your application in full.

Turkish Citizenship by Descent Processing Time

The processing time for Turkish Citizenship by Descent can take up to two years. It’s important to understand the research that goes into proving one’s lineage. A straightforward application with a Turkish citizen parent will not take as long as proving a more distant relative connection.

Alternative Pathways to Turkish Citizenship

Turkish-Citizenship-advantages government bonds necessary documents turkish citizens fast track work permit jus sanguinis Citizenship by descent isn’t the only method for being granted Turkish citizenship. Under Turkish citizenship law, there are various ways to get Turkish citizenship. Here are the basics:

  • Citizenship by marriage: Foreign citizens can apply for Turkish citizenship by marriage if they are married to a Turkish citizen. The couple must be living together and have no hidden motive behind the union. Valid marriage certificates are essential for the application.
  • Citizenship by birth: Here, the applicant has the right of soil (jus soli). This means if you are born in Turkey, even to parents that are not citizens, you can apply for Turkish citizenship. There are some conditions, including that parents cannot be in the country temporarily (tourists).
  • Citizenship by naturalization: You can obtain Turkish citizenship by naturalization once you have been in the country for a minimum of five years. Other requirements include having a clean criminal record, sufficient knowledge of the Turkish language, and showing your intent to live and settle in Turkey.
  • Turkey citizenship by special merit: This falls under Exceptional Turkish Citizenship. Here, the applicant possesses a Turquoise Card and can apply for Turkish citizenship by making noteworthy contributions in various fields such as culture, sports, science, and business. You must prove these contributions have made a significant impact on Turkey’s economy or social development.

There is also another way to obtain Turkish citizenship; Turkish citizenship by investment.

Turkish Citizenship by Investment

If you don’t fall into any of the previous categories for citizenship, you can acquire citizenship through an investment. This means that you have to make a sizeable investment in Turkey’s economy, after which you can claim Turkish citizenship.


According to Turkish authorities, there are six ways for foreigners to become Turkish citizens through investment:

  1. Real estate purchase: Acquire a property worth at least $400,000.
  2. Bank deposits: Deposit at least $500,000 into a Turkish bank account.
  3. Government Bonds: Invest $500,000 into government bonds.
  4. Fixed capital investment: Invest a minimum of $500,000 into a Turkish business.
  5. Investment fund shares: Commit a minimum of $500,000 into a venture capital fund or real estate investment fund.
  6. Job creation: Open a business in Turkey that provides at least 50 jobs.

The Turkish citizenship by investment program is a fantastic alternative for those that don’t have a Turkish parent or Turkish relatives. It offers everyone options for obtaining citizenship in Turkey as long as they meet the eligibility criteria. Additionally, you’ll be investing in one of the top 20 economies in the world.

How Can Global Citizen Solutions Help You?

Global Citizen Solutions is a boutique migration consultancy firm with years of experience delivering bespoke residence and citizenship by investment solutions for international families. With offices worldwide and an experienced, hands-on team, we have helped hundreds of clients worldwide acquire citizenship, residence visas, or homes while diversifying their portfolios with robust investments. 

We guide you from start to finish, taking you beyond your citizenship or residency by investment application. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Turkish Citizenship by Descent

How long does it take to get Turkish citizenship by descent?

The process for obtaining Turkish citizenship by descent can take up to two years. You’ll need to provide documents proving your Turkish ancestry, like birth certificates, and any records of name changes, plus your passport or ID.

Does Turkey allow dual citizenship?

Yes, Turkey allows for dual nationality. However, it depends on whether your home country allows dual citizenship.

Who is banned from obtaining Turkish citizenship?

Citizens of Armenia, Cuba, Nigeria, North Korea, and Syria are banned from obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Is there a Turkish citizenship by descent application form?

Yes, there’s an application form for Turkish citizenship by descent. The process follows the “right of blood” (jus sanguinis) set out by the Turkish Nationality Act and requires proof of lineage from a Turkish parent.

Can I get Turkish citizenship by descent if my grandparents were born in Turkey?

Yes, you can apply for Turkish citizenship by descent if your grandparents were born in Turkey, but you will be required to prove your family connection with official documents like birth certificates.

Can adopted children get Turkish citizenship?

Yes, under Turkish citizenship law, a child adopted by a Turkish citizen automatically gains Turkish citizenship if they are under 18 at the time of the adoption application.

Can you get Turkish citizenship by descent?

You may be eligible for Turkish citizenship by descent if you have a Turkish mother, a Turkish father, or other Turkish relatives where you can prove legitimate Turkish ancestry.

What documents are needed for Turkish citizenship by descent?

Some of the documents include, certified copy of your birth certificate, parent(s)’ birth certificate, parents’ marriage certificate (if applicable), proof of current citizenship or residency, completed application form, clean criminal record, Turkish language proficiency, and verified proof of Turkish ancestry.

How to prove Turkish ancestry?

Proving Turkish citizenship ancestry is simple if applying with a Turkish parent with their Turkish birth certificate. For further generational lineage you may need more documentation including passports, marriage certificates, birth certificates, and more.

What is Turkish citizenship by descent?

Turkish Citizenship by Descent is a provision within the Turkish nationality law that allows individuals with Turkish ancestry to acquire Turkish citizenship.

How can someone acquire Turkish citizenship through descent?

Turkish law allows for the acquisition of citizenship by descent. This applies to individuals born to at least one Turkish citizen parent, whether born in Türkiye or abroad, regardless of any other nationalities acquired at birth.

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