Citizenship by Exception (CBE) is a unique path to obtaining a second passport. Unlike the usual residency or naturalization path, this route allows people to become citizens because of their exceptional achievements, talents, or substantial financial or

humanitarian contributions. Each country sets its own rules, and candidates are often nominated by government officials for their impact on the country.

Although citizenship by exception also includes the option of a financial contribution, it cannot be confused with Citizenship by Investment (CBI). Acquiring citizenship through investment comes with set legislative rules, while a passport through CBE is granted at the government’s discretion.

This guide will help unpack everything you need to know about citizenship by exception, including:

  • What is citizenship by exception?
  • Citizenship by exception vs citizenship by investment
  • Who is eligible for citizenship by exception?
  • Countries that offer citizenship by exception
  • The benefits of citizenship by exception
  • Contribution options for CBE.
  • Requirements and application process

What is citizenship by exception?

passportCitizenship by exception is a special legal process where someone can obtain citizenship in a country based on their exceptional talents, achievements, or financial contributions rather than through traditional means such as birth, marriage, or residency. These are nuanced cases where applicants do not usually meet the requirements for citizenship but have a unique reason that will somehow benefit the economy of the country in question.

Due to the option of making a financial contribution, citizenship by exception is often mistaken for citizenship by investment. However, there are key differences. Firstly, and most importantly, citizenship by investment is a legal process that has set legislative laws for obtaining citizenship through investment. In contrast, CBE works on a case-by-case basis, where the government has the power to grant a passport. While this is an uncommon path to second citizenship, it is still a viable way to bypass the longer naturalization process.

Citizenship by Exception vs Citizenship by Investment

Citizenship by Exception

Citizenship by Investment


Granted based on humanitarian grounds, exceptional achievements, or economic contributions.

Acquired through significant financial investment in the host country


To recognize individuals who contribute to society, whether through economic contributions or exceptional skills.

To attract foreign capital and stimulate economic growth.


Includes refugees, individuals with significant skills, and those making notable societal contributions.

Primarily focused on individuals who can invest a specified amount in real estate, business, or government funds.

Financial Requirement

Financial contributions may be involved but are not the primary requirement.

Requires a clear, substantial financial investment, often defined by law.

Legal Framework

Varies by country but often includes provisions for humanitarian assistance and exceptional talent recognition

Governed by investment laws that specify required investment amounts and types for citizenship, with a structured application process and clear guidelines on acceptable investments.

Pathway to Citizenship

Based on integration and contributions rather than just financial means

Citizenship is primarily granted based on meeting the financial criteria.

Processing Time

Generally longer due to the need for assessment of exceptional circumstances or contributions and involves interviews and detailed evaluations

Fast-tracked citizenship and residency options often include family members under the same application.

To learn more about citizenship by investment, click here for the ultimate guide

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Who is eligible for citizenship by exception?

Exceptional talents: People with outstanding achievements in fields such as sports, arts, culture, and science. This includes Olympic athletes, award-winning artists, and globally recognized scientists.

Economic contributors: High-net-worth individuals who make significant financial investments or contributions to a country’s economy, often through philanthropy, government bonds, entrepreneurship, or investments in major sectors like real estate, technology, or innovation.

Innovators and entrepreneurs: Individuals who have created successful businesses, contributed to technological advancements, or have special skills that can stimulate economic growth.

Humanitarian cases: Those who have faced extraordinary hardship, such as refugees or asylum seekers, may qualify for citizenship if their circumstances involve exceptional humanitarian considerations, or humanitarian activists who have had a positive impact.

Political or diplomatic figures: On rare occasions, notable politicians or diplomats who have strengthened international relations or contributed to global peace efforts may be offered citizenship.

Six Countries that Offer Citizenship by Exception

1. Serbia

Serbia is among the most popular countries offering citizenship by exception. The country grants citizenship through a business contribution or by establishing a business to create jobs for Serbians.

The application requires government approval, and contributions need to significantly benefit Serbia. Applicants must also demonstrate the positive impact that the contribution will have on the economy, particularly within the labor and technology sector. They must also show proof of the contribution and a legal trail of how the foreign direct investment was earned. However, this option also comes with continuous residence exceptions because applicants are not required to live in the country to acquire citizenship.

2. Poland

Poland is another country known to have a citizenship by exception option. In Poland, citizenship can be obtained by making a financial contribution to a business. Candidates must submit documentation of their investments, a business plan, and proof of economic contributions, such as the number of jobs created or the financial viability of the enterprise.

In such cases, residency requirements are typically waived, and the decision is made at the Polish government’s discretion. Each case is evaluated individually, considering the nature and impact of the contributions.

3. Slovenia

Slovenia also grants citizenship through the exception of making a financial contribution to a business or project that creates jobs for citizens and benefits the economy as a whole. Applicants must show how they got their funds, demonstrate their investment’s positive impact on the local economy, provide a comprehensive business plan, and prove that their contributions align with Slovenia’s economic priorities.

Similarly, each case is reviewed on its merits, and the decision is at the Slovenian government’s discretion, but there is no specific residency requirement.

4. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

uae health care exampleThe UAE has developed a distinct approach to citizenship, focusing on attracting exceptional talents and professionals worldwide. The government values individuals who can significantly contribute to the nation’s development, particularly in critical sectors like technology, science, culture, and the arts.

Citizenship is granted to researchers, scientists, and innovators who enhance the UAE’s scientific sector and artists and musicians who add to its creative industry. There is also a high demand for IT, engineering, and other technical professionals to help the UAE become a global hub for innovation and technology.

Additionally, applicants can contribute financially to businesses and projects that align with the UAE’s growth goals. It is also essential to contribute to job creation for UAE nationals or help develop their skills in the workforce.

The key requirement for citizenship by exception in the UAE, is that a government authority or official must first nominate the candidates. This nomination can come from various sectors, including economic, scientific, or cultural institutions.

5. Canada

Canada might not have a special citizenship by exception program, but it offers the popular Canada Start-up Visa, targeted to attract innovative entrepreneurs and help boost the country’s economy.

In this case, applicants are not required to make a financial contribution, but they must be accepted into a Canadian business incubator program. Business incubators provide mentorship and resources to help startups grow but do not necessarily provide direct funding. An added bonus is that Canada allows dual citizenship.

6. Cyprus

Cypriot citizenship by exception is possible for individuals who contribute significantly to the country. Like many countries, Cyprus does not have a formal citizenship by exception program. Still, citizenship may be granted to those who make substantial economic contributions, engage in impactful humanitarian efforts, or contribute to the country’s cultural or scientific achievements.

Obtaining Cypriot citizenship also grants access to European Union benefits. No specific residency period is required for citizenship by exception, but Cyprus uses a very selective approach, with decisions made on a case-by-case basis.

Benefits of Citizenship by Exception

Since citizenship by exception is granted based on the applicant’s value to the economy, both
the receiver and the granter of the passport benefit from this decision.

Benefits for individuals

Benefits for host countries

Full legal rights, including the right
to vote, access to public services,
and protection under the law.

New citizens contribute unique skills,
talents, or investments, leading to job
creation, innovation, and economic growth.

Better access to job opportunities,
education, and healthcare, including
eligibility for government jobs or
educational programs.

New citizens bring diverse perspectives
and skills, enriching the country’s social
and cultural fabric.

Easier sponsorship for family
members to gain residency or
citizenship, keeping families

Citizenship is granted to refugees/asylum
seekers, enhancing the country’s
humanitarian image, addressing labor
shortages, and boosting the economy.

Easier international travel with visa-
free access to numerous countries.

Attracting talent builds a skilled workforce,
which encourages innovation and global

A stronger sense of belonging and
community, leading to better social
and civic participation.

Humanitarian efforts and culturalintegration strengthen a country’s global reputation and can attract foreigninvestments or aid.

Citizenship by Exception Contribution Options

The citizenship by exception contributions are not the same as the CBI investment options.
These vary by country but usually fall into a few broad categories:

Economic investments

  • Large financial contributions to key industries or governmentapproved projects,
    such as infrastructure, energy, or technology.
  • Starting or expanding a business that creates jobs for locals or contributes to
    economic growth.
  • In some cases, investing in property development can qualify if it aligns with
    national economic interests.

Cultural contributions

  • Supporting national cultural programs or institutions, funding art exhibitions, or
    contributing to the country’s cultural heritage and creative industries.

Scientific and technological contributions

  • Innovators or scientists who contribute to significant advancements in technology,
    medicine, or scientific research.
  • Founding or investing in startup companies that enhance the country’s reputation
    as a tech or innovation hub.

Humanitarian contributions

  • Significant donations to causes or initiatives that support the country’s social
    welfare programs, healthcare, or education.
  • Individuals who have contributed significantly to the betterment of society through
    humanitarian work or services

Sporting achievements

  • Professional athletes or coaches with internationally recognized achievements who contribute to the country’s sports development or international reputation.

Citizenship by Exception Requirements

RequirementsThe requirements and documents needed may differ depending on the case at hand, but
these are some of the most common requirements for this unique citizenship pathway:

1. Proof of exceptional contribution

Applicants must provide detailed proof of their achievements or contributions, which
could include:

  • Awards, international recognitions, or patents.
  • Published work or media coverage of achievements.
  • Letters of endorsement from relevant institutions or experts in the field.
  • In the case of economic contributions, proof of investments, or job creation in the

2. Nomination or endorsement

  • In most cases, applicants must be nominated by a government official or
    endorsed by a recognized entity.
  • Other countries may require recommendations from experts, business
    organizations, or professional bodies within the country.

3. Residency Requirements

  • Some countries may require a minimum residency period before citizenship is
    granted, although this requirement can sometimes be waived for individuals

    applying through the citizenship by exception route.

4. Cultural and Language Integration

  • Some countries may require applicants to demonstrate a basic understanding of
    the country’s culture, history, and official language.

Application Process

required documentsSince this is not a regular citizenship application, the process here will also be different
depending on the case.
However, this is a general overview of the application process:

1. Initial application

Applicants must submit their citizenship application and supporting documents proving
their exceptional contributions or investments.

2. Review and evaluation

The government or a designated panel reviews the application to ensure the individual
meets the necessary criteria. This could involve verifying achievements, endorsements,

and contributions.

3. Interview (in some cases)

Some countries might require a formal interview to assess the applicant’s suitability for

4. Approval or rejection

If the application is approved, the individual may be granted citizenship, sometimes within
a short timeframe compared to traditional naturalization routes.

Explore Global Citizenship: Key Insights and Options

Navigating the complexities of citizenship, passport acquisition, and immigration can be a daunting task. Whether you're considering a move for business, personal, or security reasons, understanding your options is crucial. At Global Citizen Solutions, we specialize in providing clear, comprehensive guidance in these areas. Our expertly crafted articles offer deep insights and comparisons to help you make informed decisions.

  • Exploring Citizenship by Investment: For those interested in acquiring citizenship through investment, our detailed guide breaks down the process, benefits, and key considerations, helping you understand how this path might suit your personal and financial goals.

  • Comparing Citizenship by Investment Programs: Choosing the right program is vital. Our comprehensive comparison of various citizenship by investment programs worldwide provides a clear, side-by-side look at what each country offers, aiding you in finding the perfect match for your needs.

  • Top Citizenship by Investment Programs: To further assist your decision-making, we've curated a list of the best citizenship by investment programs available. This resource is invaluable for anyone looking to understand which programs offer the most value, security, and benefits.

At Global Citizen Solutions, we're committed to helping you navigate the path to a new citizenship with ease and confidence. Explore our resources to gain a clearer understanding of your options and embark on your journey towards global citizenship.

What is citizenship by exception?

What is citizenship by exception?

Citizenship by exception is a special route where countries grant citizenship to individuals
based on extraordinary contributions, such as talents, achievements, or significant

contribution, outside of regular residency or naturalization processes.

Who is eligible for citizenship by exception?

Eligibility usually includes individuals with exceptional talents in fields like science, arts,
and sports or those who make substantial economic contributions, including investments

or job creation.

How does citizenship by exception differ from citizenship by investment?

While both may involve financial contributions, citizenship by exception focuses on unique
personal merits, such as talents or accomplishments, rather than just meeting financial

like citizenship by investment

Do all countries offer citizenship by exception?

No, only certain countries have established citizenship by exception programs, and the
criteria vary by country.

Is citizenship by exception permanent?

Yes, in most cases, it grants full and permanent citizenship, including the rights and
responsibilities that come with it.

What types of contributions qualify for citizenship by exception?

Contributions can include achievements in sports, the arts, or science or substantial
investments in a country’s economy that drive innovation or job creation.

How long does the application process take?

The duration varies by country, but since citizenship by exception involves unique cases, it
can sometimes be expedited compared to traditional citizenship processes.

Is citizenship by exception common?

It’s relatively rare and reserved for individuals or investors who meet exceptional criteria
and contribute significantly to the country’s interest.