Welcome to our guide to Dominica taxes, where we delve into the country’s tax laws and regulations and explain how to reduce your taxes as a resident or citizen.

Dominica Tax Structure

Tax Authority:

The Inland Revenue Division (IRD) is the government authority that enforces Dominica tax law and is responsible for tax collection.

Personal Income Tax:

Dominica tax residents must pay personal income tax on income earned in the country at a rate of 0 to 35 percent.

Corporate Income Tax:

Companies registered in Dominica pay a flat 25 percent corporate tax.

Tax Forms:

Individuals do not file tax returns. Companies can file their tax return in person or through their eFiling tax portal.

Tax Year:

A company’s financial year-end determines its tax year.

Tax Deadline:

31 March is the tax deadline for self-employed Dominica tax residents and registered companies.


Dominica taxes are paid in Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD or EC), the country’s official currency, which is pegged at 2.70 XCD to 1 USD.

Tax Treaty:

Dominica has several tax agreements but does not have a double tax treaty with the United States.

Must an investor with Dominica citizenship pay taxes in the country?

For individuals, taxation depends on your status as a taxpayer in Dominica.

Individuals who are not residents of Dominica are required to pay tax on income received from sources within the country, such as rental income. Foreign income is exempt from taxation.

Tax residents
Tax residents Dominica tax residents are required to pay income taxes on all income received in the country and abroad.

Important note: Receiving a Dominican passport does not mean you automatically become a tax resident of the country. You can only become a tax resident of Dominica if you live in the country for a minimum of 183 days each year.

Personal Income Tax in Dominica

Investment-for-Entrepreneur-VisaThe Personal income tax rates in Dominica range from 15 percent to 35 percent and work on a progressive scale, as outlined below:

  • No tax on the first EC $30,000 (USD $11,000)
  • 15 percent on the next EC $20,000 (USD $7,400) of income
  • 25 percent on the next EC $30,000 of income
  • 35 percent on the rest of your income

Dominica personal income tax is paid on any income that a taxpayer earns, such as salaries, income from self-employment, dividends, and rental income. If a company pays dividends, they are subject to a withholding tax, while an individual who receives dividends pays no tax on them. The only exception is income from the sale of real estate, which is exempt from both income tax and capital gains tax.

You will be happy to learn that taxpayers are entitled to reductions in the amount on which tax is levied, also known as tax deductions. As a taxpayer, you can benefit from several reductions at once. These reductions are added up and subtracted from your income, and the remaining amount is what you will pay income tax on.

Standard deductions apply to the following:

  1. Up to EC $25,000 (USD $9,250) bank interest on a mortgage
  2. Donations to institutions approved by the Dominica Cabinet
  3. Payments up to EC $5,000 (USD $1,850) per student for university education

General deductions for income-related expenses:

  1. Rental yield, including utility bills, property renovation costs, municipal fees and taxes paid by the property owner, and payments for services on tax returns preparation.
  2. Self-employed expenses, including tools and supplies, rental of premises, and services on tax returns preparation.

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Income Tax for Tax Residents and Non-Residents of Dominica

Tax residents 

Tax residents of Dominica must pay tax on all income, including that received from foreign sources. However, as a tax resident, you are entitled to a standard tax deduction of EC$30,000 with no conditions attached. If you have an annual income of $50,000 (USD $18,500), this standard deduction according to a Dominica taxes calculator means that you will pay $3,900 (USD $1,400) less than a non-resident.


Non-residents pay income tax on income earned in Dominica only. 

Example tax calculation for an annual income of $50,000

The following table shows how income tax in Dominica differs for tax residents and non-residents using an annual income of $50,000 (Eastern Caribbean Dollars).


Non-tax Resident

Tax Resident

Income with deductions



15 percent on the first $20,000



25 percent on the next $30,000



Total Income Tax



Tax residents of Dominica end up paying less income tax than non-residents for income earned in the country thanks to the country’s standard tax deduction.

Important note: Non-residents are subject to a withholding tax of 15 percent on income sources like dividends, interest on deposits, rental yield, and royalties. The entity responsible for disbursing the income is obligated to pay the tax by deducting it from the payment. It is important to note that this withholding tax is withheld directly from the amount paid, and there is no separate income tax levied on the individual.

How to Pay Personal Income Tax in Dominica

Monthly income tax

Income tax on salaries must be paid monthly by the 15th of each month. Your employer will pay the tax by withholding it from your salary and transferring it to the tax office.

Annual income tax

Dominica tax residents who receive an income from salaries only, with the amount not exceeding EC $30,000 per year, must file an annual income tax return. Your tax return must be submitted by 31 March each year through your personal account on the Inland Revenue Division website.

Become a Dominica tax resident

To become a tax resident in Dominica, you must register at your place of residence in the country, obtain your Tax ID and Tax Code, and reside within Dominica for a minimum of 183 days each year.

Taxes and Fees: Buying, Owning, and Selling Property in Dominica

In Dominica, you pay tax on the purchase or sale of Dominica real estate. When purchasing real estate, the buyer must contribute to the Insurance Fund and pay stamp duty, legal fees, and judicial fees. These additional costs amount to about 10.5 percent of the transaction amount.

If you invest in Dominica property, you will not pay Dominica property tax. However, you will need to pay a municipal tax, which is 1.25 percent of the assessed property value located in the towns of Roseau and Canefield. If you rent the property out, you must pay a state duty of about one percent per year to conclude your lease agreement.

If you are selling a property in Dominica, you must pay stamp duty, which is 2.5 percent of the transaction amount. However, the income you receive from the sale of your property is not taxable income. 

Property/Land Transfer Tax

Percentage of the Proeprty Value

Assurance Fund Fee

1 percent

Judicial Fee

1 percent

Stamp Duty

2 percent (buyer) / 2.5 percent (seller)

Solicitor's Fee

Up to 2.5 percent

Taxes and Fees for Car Owners

When purchasing a car in Dominica, you must register the vehicle and pass the state technical inspection, the cost of which amounts to about EC $52. In addition to this, car and motorcycle owners must pay an annual road tax and license fee, the amount of which will depend on the category of the vehicle (car, truck, or motorcycle) and whether it is a personal or commercial vehicle. For example, if you own a personal passenger car, you will pay EC $200 each year for road tax and license fees.

The following tables outline the costs you will encounter when purchasing a vehicle in Dominica.

One-time payments for the purchase of a car or motorcycle


Technical inspection

Car: EC $100 (USD $37) / Motorcycle: EC $60 (USD $22)

EC $40 (USD $15)

Annual payments for a vehicle in Dominica

Road tax

License fee

EC $50 to $150 (USD $18.50 to $55.50)

EC $120 to EC $6,010 (USD $44 to $2,226)

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Yacht Registration: Cost and Procedure

If you own a yacht in Dominica, you will need to pay a registration fee, as well as an annual license fee. The registration fee is EC $1,900 (USD $704) and is not affected by the size or displacement of the yacht. The annual fee from the second year is EC $950 (USD $352) and can be reduced to EC $750 (USD $278) if you pay it upfront for three to five years.

The Dominica Maritime Administration is ranked as one of the five largest private boat registers in the world, and Dominican citizens – or citizens of any other CARICOM member country – can register a yacht in the country. Foreigners, however, will need to open a Foreign Maritime Entity (FME) in order to register a yacht in Dominica.

If you own a personal yacht, you can register it remotely without an inspector from the Maritime Administration having to visit the yacht. To do so, you will need the following documents:

  1. Registration application
  2. Owner’s passport or power of attorney from the owner (to confirm applicant’s authority)
  3. Certificate of ownership
  4. Declaration of non-commercial use
  5. Displacement certificate
  6. Certificate of suitability of the yacht for its purpose of use
  7. Insurance policy

Corporate Taxes and Fees in Dominica

dominica foreign investmentDominica tax resident companies must pay the following:

  • 25 percent corporate income tax
  • Social security contribution for employees.

Companies registered as tax residents in Dominica must pay a corporate tax on worldwide income as well as any activities performed in Dominica, while non-resident companies pay tax on profits earned in Dominica only. Companies also pay VAT at the standard rate of 15 percent.

Corporate tax must be paid within three months following the end of the financial year, which is 30 June in Dominica. Accrued tax can be paid three times a year in quarterly installments of 25 percent, 30 percent, and 40 percent.

Non-resident companies will need to pay a 15 percent withholding tax on income such as dividends, interest on deposits, rental yield, and royalties. It is important to note that these types of income are not factored in when calculating the company’s corporate tax. Corporate tax rates and regulations are determined by the government and administered by the International Revenue Division (IRD).

You may be wondering about the cost of registering an International Business Company (IBC) in Dominica. The process is fairly fast, with an IBC taking only two weeks to be registered remotely in Dominica, and the cost of this registration is about EC $2,100. Following this, you must pay a minimum annual maintenance cost of about EC $1,400.

Social Security contribution

The total social security contribution is either 14 or 14.25 percent, with employees contributing 6.5 percent. Employers must contribute 7.5 percent for employees without redundancy insurance and 7.75 percent for employees with redundancy insurance.

Value-Added Tax in Dominica

VAT – or value-added tax – is a tax levied on the sale of goods and services. In Dominica, the standard VAT rate is 15 percent. However, a reduced rate of 10 percent applies to hotels and diving companies. There are also some goods that have no VAT at all, such as goods for export (flour, milk, rice, sugar). Additionally, VAT is not charged on financial services, rent, or the sale of real estate.

The table below provides a summary of the VAT rates in Dominica based on the good or service:

Good or service

VAT rate

Goods and services

15 percent

Hotels and diving

10 percent

Exported goods and services, including medical supplies, medication, flour, milk, rice, and sugar

0 percent

Financial services, rental payments, sale of property


VAT can be paid by individuals, such as those who are self-employed, as well as companies. If your annual revenue exceeds the threshold, you must register to pay VAT. VAT is due to be paid by the 20th of each month. The minimum threshold at which you must pay VAT is as follows:

  • Any goods and services: EC $250,000 (USD $92,592)
  • Hotels and diving: EC $62,500 (USD $23,148)

Important note: Goods on which VAT is not taken (financial services, rental payments, sale of property) are not included in revenue, while goods with zero VAT (exported goods and services including medical supplies, medication, flour, milk, rice, and sugar) are included.

Double Taxation in Dominica

If you are a tax resident in Dominica who earns income in another country or a non-resident who earns income in Dominica, you may be required to pay taxes in both countries. Fortunately, Dominica has international double taxation treaties (DTTs) – also called double taxation agreements (DTAs) – with the CARICOM (Caribbean Community and Common Market) members, which help individuals avoid having to pay double taxes.

Dominica has double tax agreements with the following countries:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Grenada
  • Guyana
  • Jamaica
  • Montserrat
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

While Dominica does not have DTTs with most countries, this list may expand to include more countries if Dominica enters into new agreements.

Exchange of Tax Information with Other Countries

Dominica exchanges tax information with other countries,, which includes financial activities in banks in Dominica, but it does not share the names of the owners of companies that are registered in the country. Dominica is part of the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, members of which assist one another on the following matters:

  • Exchanging tax information
  • Conducting tax audits simultaneously
  • Participating in tax audits abroad
  • Assisting in tax collection (including adopting interim measures concerning taxpayers’ property abroad)
  • Exchanging documents

Obtaining Dominica Citizenship

It is possible to obtain a Dominican passport through the Dominica citizenship by investment Program. Under the program, you have two routes to choose from:

  1. A non-refundable contribution of at least $200,000 to the Dominica Economic Diversification Fund (EDF)
  2. A real estate purchase of at least $200,000 from a government-approved list 

While Dominca vs St Lucia citizenship is cheaper for single applicants, note that the investment amount increases when including family members. Investors are required to pay fees, including due diligence, processing fees, and passport fees. Your citizenship application will be approved based on the results of your due diligence check, which is the longest part of the entire process. Your passport should be issued within two to six months.

Key Takeaways about Dominica Taxes

As you can see, Dominica taxes shape the country’s economic landscape by offering favorable tax rates and various incentives that attract individuals and businesses from across the globe. So, why not get started on becoming a Dominica tax resident by investing in the country today? 

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tax in Dominica

What is the corporate income tax rate in Dominica?

In Dominica, the corporate income tax rate for companies is 25 percent. Legal entities must also pay value-added tax (VAT) at a rate of 10 to 15 percent.

Is Dominica a tax haven?

Dominica tax rates are favorable and offer and a number of incentives that attract individuals and businesses from all over the world, causing many to consider it a tax haven.

What is the tax rate in Dominica?

Dominica offers a progressive income tax scale:

  • No tax on EC$0 to EC$30,000
  • 15 percent on the next EC$20,000
  • 25 percent on the next EC$30,000
  • 35 percent on the rest of the income

What are the tax advantages of Dominica?

Dominica tax benefits include no Dominica capital gains tax, personal income tax, or inheritance taxes. The country also offers incentive packages on Dominica corporate tax, import duty exemptions, tax relief, and export allowances.

Do you pay tax in Dominica?

Yes, you do pay taxes in Dominica. Individuals and companies residing in Dominica pay tax on their income. Dominica tax residents pay income tax on worldwide income (foreign and local). Non-residents pay tax on income earned in Dominica only.

How much is property tax in Dominica?

Besides tax on Dominica real estate transactions, there is no universal requirement to pay property tax in Dominica. Property owners, instead, pay a 1.25 percent municipal tax based on the assessed property value for properties located in the towns of Roseau and Canefield. 

How much do Dominicans pay in taxes?

How much Dominicans pay in taxes to the Inland Revenue Division depends on their income, as the Dominica Income Tax Act imposes taxes at variable rates from zero to 35 percent. Additionally, personal and business income are taxed differently. Businesses resident in Dominica pay a flat 25 percent Dominica corporate tax rate, and international business companies with operations in Dominica pay tax on income earned in the country.

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