The land of pizza, pasta, and fine wine, Italy is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Its rich history, artistic heritage, and breathtaking landscapes attract millions of visitors annually. However, living in Italy as a foreigner is an entirely different ballgame.

From navigating bureaucracy to learning Italian culture and customs, there are many things to consider before making the big leap. In recent years, living in Italy as an American has become increasingly popular, especially for retirees. According to the Global Citizen Solutions Retirement Index for U.S. citizens, Italy ranks 7th among 16 countries as a top retirement destination.

  • Visa requirements
  • Understanding the Italian real estate market
  • Finding a job
  • The pros and cons of living in Italy
  • Understanding the Italian healthcare system, and more

Pros and Cons of Living in Italy

GCS-ICONS-88-2Pros of living in Italy

The Italian lifestyle

The Italian lifestyle is one of the biggest pros to living in this beautiful country. From the incredible scenery and delectable cuisine to the cultural exploration and outdoor activities, the Italian lifestyle offers something for every expat.

Developed healthcare system

The Italian healthcare system is one of the best in the European Union. There are various options, including government hospitals, private healthcare, and specialist care. For expats, private health insurance is a must, giving you access to the very best care in the country.

Rich history and culture

Italy is one of the most historic countries in the world, with more UNESCO World Heritage sites than any other country. Whether you want to explore the ruins of the Colosseum, head to the Pantheon, or explore the ancient historical sites where Italian myths come to life, there is no shortage of things to do in Italy.

Diverse regions

One of the main draws to Italy is the diverse regions. This offers something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for coastal living, a ski trip in the mountains, history hunting in the major Italian cities, or wine tasting extravaganzas in the rolling Tuscan hills, Italy offers something for every expat lifestyle.

Fantastic education system

Italy offers high quality education at all levels, including famous universities. Italy offers public, private, and international schools, providing expat families choice.

GCS-ICONS-69Cons of living in Italy

Italian bureaucracy

Relocating to a new country requires a few considerations, and Italy is no different. Moving to Italy can sometimes be challenging as the country is renowned for frustrating levels of bureaucracy. This can be apparent when applying for visas or dealing with other legal matters, as the level of paperwork involved can often seem excessive.

Language barrier

No surprise here, in Italy they speak Italian. This can make integrating into Italian life a challenge for English speaking expats. However, the locals will genuinely appreciate if you learn some of the basics, showing an interest in learning as much as you can.

Learning basic Italian will make your transition easier and help you connect with locals and make Italian friends. Besides, it’s all part of embracing a new culture.

Competitive job market

One of the few disadvantages of living in Italy is that finding a job in Italy as an expat can be a struggle. The job market in Italy is fierce and if you don’t speak Italian, you’re at a disadvantage. However, not all hope is lost, major cities like Rome, Milan, and Florence have job opportunities for expats.

Understanding The Cost of Living in Italy

Cost of living in Italy compared to other countries

The Italian cost of living is generally low compared to the United States and other Western European countries like the UK, Germany, and Ireland. Let’s take a look:


Family of four (excluding rent)

Single Person (excluding rent)

One-bedroom apartment

Three-bedroom apartment




























United Kingdom









United States









Cost of living in Italy: Big city vs small town

Life in Italy can cater to all lifestyle choices. This means you can enjoy a more expensive and lavish Italian experience in big cities like Milan or a cheap and frugal life in a smaller city like Palermo. You’ll notice a drastic difference in the cost of living, from food prices to transportation costs; here is a comparison of the cost of living between the two:




Single person

€961.30 ($1,049.35)

€783.10 ($875.80)

Family of four

€3,402.40 ($3,714.03)

€2,704.90 ($3,025.09)

One-bedroom apartment

€1,382 ($1,545)

€600 ($671)

Three-bedroom apartment

€2,858 ($3,196)

€835 ($933.84)

Price per square meter to buy an apartment

€8,678.50 ($9,705.82)

€2,033.33 ($2,274.03)

Basic utilities

€228 ($254)

€195 ($218)

A meal in an inexpensive restaurant

€20 ($21.83)

€12 ($13.42)

A meal for two at a mid-range restaurant

€80 ($87.33)

€50 ($55.92)

Milk (one liter)

€1.52 ($1.66)

€1.22 ($1.36)

Bread (500 g)

€2.23 ($2.43)

€1.55 ($1.69)

Eggs (12)

€3.62 ($3.95)

€2.40 ($2.62)

Chicken (one kg)

€10.97 ($11.97)

€10.33 ($11.55)

Domestic beer (500 ml)

€1.50 ($1.64)

€1.37 ($1.50)

One-way ticket (local transport)

€2.20 ($2.40)

€1.45 ($1.58)

Fitness club (monthly pass)

€61 ($68)

€40 ($44.73)

Of course, there are other living expenses you may need to account for when living in Italy as an expat, such as health insurance or school fees if you’ve moved there as a family. Italy is generally an affordable country, and a high-quality Italian lifestyle would not break the bank for most expats.

Italy Visa Options

Italy Golden Visa

italy investor visa validThe Italy Golden Visa – commonly referred to as the Italy Investor Visa – is a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) provided to foreigners who invest in the Italian economy. The qualifying investments for the Italy Golden Visa are:

  • A purchase of €2 million ($2.17 million) in Italian government bonds
  • An investment of €500,000 ($542,000) in an Italian company
  • An investment of €250,000 ($271,000) in an innovative Italian startup
  • A donation of €1 million ($1.08 million) in a philanthropic initiative

Italian residence visas are issued after arriving in Italy; applicants must enter the country on a visitor visa, and then they can apply for a residence permit. The Italy Golden Visa lasts two years and is eligible for renewal, provided the investment is maintained. The Golden Visa isn’t a direct route to Italian citizenship, but applicants may apply for citizenship by naturalization after ten years of lawful residence in Italy.

Elective Residence Visa

The Elective Residence Visa (Residenza Elettiva) is an Italian residence visa granted to individuals who can support themselves without needing work or employment in Italy. The support is based on foreign income, and many expats will find themselves eligible for the program as the income requirements are reasonable. Here are the basics of what’s needed to apply for Elective Residency:

  • Proof of at least €31,000 ($33,600) [€38,000 ($41,200) for married couples] per year in foreign income to support yourself while living in Italy
  • Providing proof of lodging with a lease/rental agreement or proof of property purchase before arriving in Italy
  • Proof of international health insurance covering at least €30,000 ($32,500) annually. This should cover all medical expenses in every EU member state.

A successful applicant will be issued a one- or two-year residency permit. The permit is eligible for renewal, although approval is at the discretion of Italian immigration authorities. Once residency has been maintained for five years, the applicant can apply to become a permanent Italian resident.

Self-Employment Visa

An Italian Self-Employment Visa – also known as an Italy Freelance Visa – is a two-year work visa allowing foreigners to do self-employed work and business in Italy. The Self-Employment Visa may require additional authorization depending on the applicant’s industry or type of work.

For example, this can include special approval from the local departments of health if opening a restaurant or bar, or if working in construction, an SCIA (Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività) may be required, which is a construction and restoration permit issued by the local municipality.

To be eligible for self-employment activity in Italy, applicants must show that:

  • They have adequate resources and intend to engage in industrial, professional, craft, or commercial activities in Italy
  • They meet the legal requirements to perform the activity in question, including prerequisites for entering into professional registers
  • They possess certification no more than three months old from the relevant authorities, declaring that there are no reasons to prevent the issuance of the necessary authorizations or licenses

The visa is renewable, provided the holder continues to meet the visa requirements. Permanent residency is possible after five years of residence.

There are a few other things you need to do upon moving to Italy. First, ensure you have health insurance that will cover you in any medical emergencies. You’ll also need to get an Italian tax identification number (codice fiscale), which you can do by going to your local post office or tax office with your passport or ID card.

Italy Digital Nomad Visa

The Italy Digital Nomad Visa is the ideal choice for those who work remotely but still want a chance to live in Italy and explore all this stunning country has to offer. The visa is split into two categories, including digital nomads and remote workers. Here is what each means:

  • Digital Nomads: Freelancers, consultants, and other individual specialists
  • Remote workers: Individuals employed by a company that can perform their work remotely

In order to qualify the applicant must prove that they are highly qualified with one or more of the following:

  • Three-year degree
  • Profession licensed by governmental agencies
  • High professional qualification

Additionally, the applicant must provide an employment contract with a foreign company for at least one year. The applicant must also have a minimum annual income of €24,789.

Take a look at our Italy Golden Visa – The Ultimate Guide by Experts


Finding a Job Before Arriving in Italy

remote workIt’s no secret that finding a job can be difficult, and relocating to a new country can make the process even more challenging. The Italian unemployment rate has steadily improved over the last five years to its current 6.5 percent, the lowest it’s been since 2008. However, this is still higher than in the United States (4.2 percent), and not speaking Italian can add additional hurdles.

That’s why starting your job search before you move to Italy is essential. The most straightforward and hassle-free way to secure work in Italy is by working for a multinational company with operations in Italy. It’s common for international companies to transfer employees to different regions based on skills and other factors they may deem valuable to the business.

Some companies also have internal exchange programs, allowing employees with similar duties to swap locations in order to gain additional skills and experience.

There are often government-approved programs for international recruitment in the public sector for highly skilled positions that are short-staffed. You’ll also see these types of jobs advertised through international recruitment agencies, which can assist with acquiring work visas.

Finding a Place to Live in Italy

Looking for a place to live is one of the most exciting aspects of moving to a new country.

There are a lot of fantastic traditional Italian homes and apartments to choose from, and it’s the first glimpse into what Italian life will look like.

House hunting in Italy isn’t without its cons. If you plan to lease a property, expect to see average lease lengths of three years, especially if you want to save money, while a “transitory” lease (temporary lease) can be as much as 18 months long.

Purchasing property in Italy

A more convenient option is to buy Italian real estate. Over 74 percent of Italians owned their own homes in 2022–a statistic maintained by a culture of passing property down to family members. As such, smaller towns and Italian communities orientate toward owners, not renters.

In theory, you need a valid residence permit, like an Italian Golden Visa, to buy property in Italy; however, there are exceptions to this rule for nationals of “reciprocity countries,” which includes the United States and other countries like the UK and Canada, whose citizens are permitted to buy property in Italy without a valid residence permit.

Cheap homes in Italy

Recently, many news articles surfaced about small underpopulated Italian towns where houses were being sold for one euro. As tempting as this sounds, would-be Italian property owners should note that such offers come with strict financial conditions, including a commitment to live in the village and pay property taxes for a minimum period of time.

These small towns also require new owners to make minimum renovation investments to improve property values. As a result, these properties aren’t exactly a one-euro investment, but the housing costs are likely to reap gains once the commitments have been fulfilled.

Understanding the Italian Healthcare System

Healthcare in Italy is a right for every Italian citizen and is tax-funded. The universal healthcare system (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) is decentralized, with each regional government responsible for managing it on a provincial level. This can make it confusing to navigate as the standard of treatment isn’t uniform throughout the country.

Public hospitals in northern Italy, for instance, generally offer higher standards of care than those in the southern region as well as have shorter waiting times. As a result, expats may prefer to be treated in a major city, like Milan, in emergency cases.

Private healthcare in Italy

When living in Italy as a foreigner, the ideal choice for healthcare is a private health plan. There are plenty of private clinics and healthcare specialists across the country. Private healthcare costs are also reasonable, with a comprehensive plan with zero out of pocket costs from Italian insurers, such as Generali Italia, Unisalute, and Allianz, costing around €200 to €300 per year for a middle-aged person.

What is the Italian school system like?

Italy has one of the oldest school systems in the world. It is divided into three levels: Elementary school (scuola primaria), middle school (scuola secondaria di primo grado), and high school (scuola secondaria di secondo grado).

All Italian schools are free and compulsory from the age of six until 16.

Elementary school lasts five years, and students are between six and 11 years old. Middle school lasts three years, and students are between 11 and 14 years old. High school lasts five years, and students are between 14 and 19 years old.

There is a great deal of regional variation in the Italian school system. Elementary school may last only four years in some areas, while it may last six in others. The same goes for middle and high school. For example, in the autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, elementary school lasts six years, while high school lasts only four.

In general, however, the Italian school system is relatively centralized and provides a well-rounded education. Schools are run by the Ministry of Education, which sets curriculum standards and regulates educational policy nationwide.

Setting Up Banking and Finances in Italy

Despite some common hurdles associated with moving to Italy, setting up an Italian bank account is one of the easier things to do. There are three kinds of financial institutions in Italy:

  • Commercial banks: The most common bank for everyday use (conto corrente)
  • Savings banks: Organized on a provincial or regional basis; ideal for saving but not suitable for regular spending (conto di risparmio or conto di deposito)
  • Investment institutions: Have the most credit and investment options as well as offer investment and asset management

In order to open an account, you must go to the bank in person, show your passport and proof of Italian address from a utility bill or lease agreement, and show a residence card or employment contract. You’ll also need your tax identification number.

To further note, a tax ID number is required for more than just a work visa and to open a bank account in Italy. New expats are advised to get one right away as it’s required for most financial dealings in Italy and must be presented occasionally. 

Italy offers a flat tax incentive to Italian residents, allowing them to pay a flat rate of €100,000 per year, exempting them from any further taxes on income or inheritance for up to 15 years. However, the pricing changed in August 2024, with new tax residents now required to pay a flat tax rate of €200,000 per year. This is still a major incentive for high income individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions about Living in Italy

Is Italy a good place to live?

Yes, Italy is a good place to live due to its high quality of life, overall healthcare system, and relatively affordable cost of living compared to other Western European countries.

Italy is one of the best places to live. Italian cuisine and wine are world-renowned, and la dolce vita (the sweet life) of Italian culture encourages people to slow down and enjoy life’s experiences. 

Is living in Italy as a foreigner hard?

Although Italian bureaucracy can be somewhat frustrating, and foreigners who don’t speak Italian may find it harder to get things done, living in Italy as a foreigner is not hard. Generally speaking, Italy is a beautiful country with fascinating history, friendly locals, amazing gastronomy, and breathtaking scenery.

What is typical life in Italy?

Italian life comes in many shapes and forms, and local culture in Italy can vary from region to region. The energetic Italian lifestyle in major cities like Milan differs greatly from the slower-paced lifestyle on the Amalfi Coast in southern Italy. However, a synonymous aspect of the typical Italian life is spending time with family, as Italians tend to be extremely family-oriented and value time spent with loved ones.

What is the best place to live in Italy?

The best place to live in Italy depends on your personal tastes and preferences. The major cities like Rome, Milan, and Florence are ideal for those looking for a bustling city life. Whereas an area like the Amalfi Coast is ideal for retirees and families looking to explore the slower pace of Italian life. 

What is life like for Americans living in Italy?

Living in Italy as an American can take some getting used to. Overall, living in Italy as an American is a rewarding experience, with the rich culture, delicious food, and beautiful surroundings, along with a slower, more relaxed pace of life. However, adjusting to language barriers, bureaucratic processes, and the job market can be challenging.

What is living in Italy as an expat like?

Expat living in Italy is fantastic. From the incredible Italian cuisine and welcoming Italian citizens to wonderful expat communities and great healthcare system, expat life in Italy offers a rewarding experience.

Is it worth living in Italy for a year?

Absolutely! Living in Italy for a year is very popular for students and digital nomads. A year in Italy gives you enough time to experience what living in Italy is truly like, while exploring the different regions to the fullest.

Is learning Italian necessary to live comfortably in Italy?

If you don’t already speak Italian, learning the language should be your top priority when moving to Italy permanently. While it may seem obvious, being able to communicate with locals will make a huge difference in your experience and help you avoid potentially difficult situations. Mastering Italian will open doors, make day-to-day life easier, and help you connect with the culture on a deeper level.

How does the cost of living in Italy compare to other European countries?

The cost of living in Italy is generally moderate compared to other European countries, though it varies by region. Major cities like Rome, Milan, and Florence tend to be more expensive, especially in terms of housing, similar to other Western European capitals. However, Italy is often more affordable than countries like Switzerland, the UK, and France.

How is healthcare in Italy for foreigners?

The Italian healthcare system is well regarded by the World Health Organization. However, private health insurance is an absolute must for foreigners living in Italy. Expats are only covered by the public health service once they become residents or citizens.