Have you ever considered owning a passport that allows visa-free access to over 140 countries, including the European Union, Singapore, and the UK, without having to go through the hassle of obtaining a visa? It may come as a surprise to some, but this is precisely what a Paraguay passport offers, and it’s quickly becoming a popular choice among savvy travelers and investors alike.

Paraguay Passport Benefits

Visa-free travel

passport for international mobility Although a relatively small country in South America that tends to maintain a low profile regarding its foreign affairs, Paraguayan passport holders enjoy enhanced mobility, with access to 146 visa-free countries (including visa-on-arrival).

Paraguay passport visa-free and visa-on-arrival countries include all EU member states, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

As a full member of the MERCOSUR trading bloc, Paraguayan passport holders can travel visa-free to MERCOSUR member states, such as Brazil and Argentina, without a passport.

Low tax rates

Paraguay passport holders enjoy highly favorable tax benefits, with a low ten percent personal income tax and tax on corporate earnings, one of Latin America’s most competitive tax rates. Paraguayan tax residents who pay personal income tax are not required to pay inheritance, gift, or net worth tax, and foreign sourced income is also not taxed.

Political stability

Paraguay is one of the most politically stable countries in South America. According to the Global Peace Index, Paraguay has very high political stability, low international conflict, and good relations with neighboring countries. Political stability has also helped to maintain a stable economy; The country’s official currency, the Paraguayan Guarani, has fallen just 15 percent again the US dollar over the last 20 years, compared to 28 percent for the Uruguayan Peso and 27 percent for the Chilean Peso.

A green society

Paraguayan power consumption is derived almost entirely from renewable energy. The country is the largest exporter of electricity in Latin America, with over half of the power generated sold to Brazil and Argentina.  This indicates a dedication to sound governance and thoughtful consideration in creating an eco-friendly environment to counter surging energy costs. Paraguayan citizens have one of the world’s lowest CO2 per capita footprints.

Global Visa Requirements for Paraguay Passport Holders

Afghanistanvisa required
Albaniavisa free (90 days)
Algeriavisa required
Andorravisa free (90 days)
Angolavisa required
Antigua and Barbudae-visa
Argentinavisa free (90 days)
Austriavisa free (90 days)
Azerbaijanvisa on arrival
Bahamasvisa free (90 days)
Bahrainvisa on arrival
Bangladeshvisa required
Barbadosvisa free (90 days)
Belarusvisa required
Belgiumvisa free (90 days)
Belizevisa free (30 days)
Bolivia, Plurinational State ofvisa free (90 days)
Bosnia and Herzegovinavisa free (90 days)
Botswanavisa free (90 days)
Brazilvisa free (90 days)
Brunei Darussalamvisa required
Bulgariavisa free (90 days)
Burkina Fasovisa on arrival
Burundivisa on arrival
Cambodiavisa on arrival
Canadavisa required
Cabo Verdevisa on arrival
Central African Republicvisa required
Chadvisa required
Chilevisa free (90 days)
Chinavisa required
Colombiavisa free (90 days)
Comorosvisa on arrival
Congovisa required
Congo, The Democratic Republic of thee-visa
Costa Ricavisa free (180 days)
Côte d'Ivoiree-visa
Croatiavisa free (90 days)
Cubavisa required
Cyprusvisa free (90 days)
Czechiavisa free (90 days)
Denmarkvisa free (90 days)
Dominicavisa free (21 days)
Dominican Republicvisa free (90 days)
Ecuadorvisa free (90 days)
Egyptvisa on arrival
El Salvadorvisa free (90 days)
Equatorial Guineae-visa
Eritreavisa required
Estoniavisa free (90 days)
Eswatinivisa required
Fijivisa free (120 days)
Finlandvisa free (90 days)
Francevisa free (90 days)
Gambiavisa required
Georgiavisa free (90 days)
Germanyvisa free (90 days)
Ghanavisa on arrival
Greecevisa free (90 days)
Grenadavisa required
Guatemalavisa free (90 days)
Guinea-Bissauvisa on arrival
Guyanavisa required
Haitivisa free (90 days)
Hondurasvisa free (90 days)
Hong Kongvisa free (30 days)
Hungaryvisa free (90 days)
Icelandvisa free (90 days)
Indonesiavisa required
Iran, Islamic Republic ofe-visa
Iraqvisa required
Irelandvisa free (90 days)
Israelvisa free (90 days)
Italyvisa free (90 days)
Jamaicavisa free (30 days)
Japanvisa required
Jordanvisa on arrival
Kiribativisa free (90 days)
Kuwaitvisa required
Lao People's Democratic Republicvisa on arrival
Latviavisa free (90 days)
Lebanonvisa on arrival
Liberiavisa required
Libyavisa required
Liechtensteinvisa free (90 days)
Lithuaniavisa free (90 days)
Luxembourgvisa free (90 days)
Macaovisa on arrival
Madagascarvisa on arrival
Malawivisa on arrival
Malaysiavisa free (30 days)
Maldivesvisa on arrival
Malivisa required
Maltavisa free (90 days)
Marshall Islandsvisa required
Mauritaniavisa on arrival
Mauritiusvisa free (90 days)
Mexicovisa free (180 days)
Micronesia, Federated States ofvisa free (30 days)
Moldova, Republic ofvisa free (90 days)
Monacovisa free (90 days)
Montenegrovisa free (90 days)
Moroccovisa required
Mozambiquevisa on arrival
Myanmarvisa required
Namibiavisa required
Nauruvisa required
Nepalvisa on arrival
Netherlandsvisa free (90 days)
New Zealandvisa required
Nicaraguavisa free (90 days)
Nigervisa required
Korea, Democratic People's Republic ofvisa required
North Macedoniavisa free (90 days)
Norwayvisa free (90 days)
Omanvisa on arrival
Palauvisa on arrival
Palestine, State ofvisa free
Panamavisa free (90 days)
Papua New Guineavisa required
Peruvisa free (180 days)
Philippinesvisa free (30 days)
Polandvisa free (90 days)
Portugalvisa free (90 days)
Qatarvisa on arrival
Romaniavisa free (90 days)
Russian Federationvisa free (90 days)
Rwandavisa on arrival
Saint Kitts and Nevisvisa free (90 days)
Saint Luciavisa on arrival
Samoavisa on arrival
San Marinovisa free (90 days)
Sao Tome and Principee-visa
Saudi Arabiavisa required
Senegalvisa required
Serbiavisa free (30 days)
Seychellesvisa free (90 days)
Sierra Leonee-visa
Singaporevisa free (30 days)
Slovakiavisa free (90 days)
Sloveniavisa free (90 days)
Solomon Islandsvisa required
Somaliavisa on arrival
South Africavisa free (90 days)
Korea, Republic ofe-visa
South Sudane-visa
Spainvisa free (90 days)
Sri Lankae-visa
Saint Vincent and the Grenadinesvisa free (90 days)
Sudanvisa required
Surinamevisa required
Swedenvisa free (90 days)
Switzerlandvisa free (90 days)
Syrian Arab Republicvisa required
Taiwan, Province of Chinavisa free (90 days)
Tanzania, United Republic ofvisa on arrival
Thailandvisa required
Timor-Lestevisa on arrival
Togovisa on arrival
Tongavisa required
Trinidad and Tobagovisa required
Tunisiavisa required
Turkmenistanvisa required
Tuvaluvisa on arrival
Turkeyvisa free (90 days)
Ukrainevisa free (90 days)
United Arab Emiratesvisa free (90 days)
United Kingdomvisa free (180 days)
United Statesvisa required
Uruguayvisa free (90 days)
Vanuatuvisa required
Holy See (Vatican City State)visa free (90 days)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic ofvisa free (90 days)
Viet Name-visa
Yemenvisa required
Zambiavisa on arrival
Zimbabwevisa on arrival

Paraguay Passport Requirements

Paraguayan passports issued to ordinary citizens for leisure or business travel are known as Police or Consular passports. To submit an application for a Consular passport, Paraguayan nationals must:

  • Possess a Paraguay civil identity card, an expired passport, or any other documents proving their identity and Paraguayan nationality
  • Complete and sign the passport application form
  • Be a resident in the jurisdiction of the Paraguayan Embassy or any other consular office where the passport application is submitted
  • Attend an interview at the Paraguayan Embassy or Consulate
  • Provide proof of a clean criminal record
  • Provide a passport-size photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm with a white background)
  • Pay the correct consular fee

To replace a lost or stolen passport, applicants must also provide a police report with verification that the incident was reported to the police.

Applying for a child’s passport

Adult family members of the main applicant must provide the same documents. In order to request passports for a child under 18, there are some mandatory additional documents and steps required in the application process:

  • Parents must provide the child’s birth certificate.
  • A copy of both parents’ Paraguayan civil ID cards must be provided.
  • The application must be submitted in person to the relevant government department or consular office.
  • If one parent is absent, a Letter of Consent signed by the absent parent and certified by a Notary Public must be provided.

Paraguay passport Cost

The Paraguay passport price is lower than passport prices in many other countries. For a new passport applied for in Paraguay, the fee is PYG 240,000 (about $33). Paraguayan Police or Consular passports acquired overseas at a Paraguayan Embassy or Consulate cost about $55 to $60, depending on the jurisdiction.

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How to get a Paraguay passport?

Paraguay passport by birth

Jus soli (right of blood) is the primary way Paraguayan nationals obtain citizenship. Any child born in Paraguay is a Paraguayan citizen at birth and can get a Paraguay passport whether they live in Paraguay or overseas. The only exception is children born to persons in service of a foreign government, such as a foreign diplomat or consular officer.

Paraguay passport by descent

Individuals born outside Paraguay can become Paraguayan citizens in two specific circumstances:

  1. A person born abroad with at least one parent who is a natural-born Paraguayan citizen and is in service of the Paraguayan Republic.
  2. A person born abroad with at least one parent who is a natural-born Paraguayan citizen and the person chooses to become a permanent resident of the Paraguayan Republic.

A person born overseas with a Paraguayan mother or father, but doesn’t fit the criteria for Paraguay citizenship by descent, can petition for Paraguayan citizenship through the Paraguayan Civil and Commercial Court of Appeals with assistance from an immigration attorney. This right to appeal it based on the Paraguayan National Constitution.

Paraguay passport by naturalization

paraguay-permanent-residencyParaguay does not automatically offer Paraguayan citizenship to foreign spouses of Paraguayan nationals. A foreign spouse of a Paraguayan national would have to follow the same procedures as any other foreign resident. All foreign residents can be eligible to obtain a Paraguay citizenship after residing in the country for at least three years.

The requirement for three years of residency makes Paraguay one of the easier countries to gain citizenship. An additional prerequisite exists for a foreign citizen who is not the spouse of a Paraguayan national; An applicant for naturalization with no familial ties to Paraguay must be involved in a profession, trade, science, art, or industry in the country.

Paraguay passport by Investment

There isn’t a direct route to gain a passport in Paraguay through investment, but you can obtain Paraguay permanent residency in exchange for an investment in the country. The Paraguayan government provides three options for this:

  • A capital transfer of $4,500 (about PGY 32.31 million) to a Paraguayan bank; Non-citizens from countries whose passport holders have visa-free entry or can obtain a visa-on-arrival are eligible for this option.
  • An investment of $70,000 (about PGY 502.63 million) in either the agriculture, commerce, or services industry. The investment can also be made in real estate; Non-citizens who need a visa to enter Paraguay are eligible for this option.
  • You have a minimum retirement income of $1,022 (PGY 7.34 million) per month or the equivalent in annual income.

After gaining Paraguay permanent residency, you can be eligible for a Paraguay passport after three years.

Dual Citizenship

The Paraguayan government doesn’t officially recognize dual citizenship; however, the constitution on Paraguayan nationality stipulates that natural-born Paraguayan citizens will not lose their citizenship status should they gain a second citizenship.

Dual citizenship is only permitted in the case of nationality acquired from countries with which Paraguay has a reciprocity agreement regarding dual nationality; The only countries Paraguay currently has this international treaty with are Spain and Italy.

How Can Global Citizen Solutions Help You?

Global Citizen Solutions is a boutique migration consultancy firm with years of experience delivering bespoke residence and citizenship by investment solutions for international families. With offices worldwide and an experienced, hands-on team, we have helped hundreds of clients worldwide acquire citizenship, residence visas, or homes while diversifying their portfolios with robust investments. 

We guide you from start to finish, taking you beyond your citizenship or residency by investment application. 

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Paraguay Passport

Where can I go with a Paraguayan Passport?

Paraguay passport holders can travel visa-free (including visa-on-arrival) to 146 countries worldwide. Visa-free and visa-on-arrival countries include all Schengen Area countries and other EU countries, like Ireland and Bulgaria. Paraguay passport holders also enjoy freedom of movement in every MERCOSUR country. There’s no requirement for visa-free or visa-on-arrival access; Paraguayan nationals can travel to MERCOSUR countries, like Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, without passports.

How much is a Paraguayan passport?

A Paraguay passport is one of the cheapest global passports in South America. The price to obtain a passport in Paraguay is PYG 240,000 (about $33). Paraguayan Police of Consular passports acquired in Paraguayan consular offices overseas cost between $55 to $60, depending on the jurisdiction.

Can a US citizen live in Paraguay?

Paraguay is one of the US passport holders’ visa-free countries. As a US citizen, you’re eligible for Paraguay’s investment program, which allows citizens of visa-free countries to transfer $4,500 (about PGY 32.31 million) to a Paraguayan bank account in exchange for Paraguay permanent residency. US citizens can also gain permanent residence in Paraguay with a monthly retirement income of at least $1,022 (PGY 7.34 million) per month.

What is the passport value of Paraguay?

The Paraguay passport is fairly strong, ranking 70th out of 197 countries on the Global Passport Index. Paraguay passport holders can travel visa-free (including visa-on-arrival) to 146 countries worldwide.

What are the tax benefits for passport holders?

For those who obtain residency in Paraguay or citizenship, Paraguay tax benefits include one of the lowest tax rates of any South American country for all individuals with Paraguay as their tax residence. The option to pay tax of just ten percent or income and corporate earnings makes Paraguay one of the most desirable countries to gain an employment visa or permanent residence permit.

Do US citizens need a visa for Paraguay?

Paraguay is one of 173 visa-free countries that American citizens can travel to. US passport holders can travel to Paraguay without the need to obtain physical visa.

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