The Serbian passport (Pasoš Srbije) is a document allowing Serbian citizens to travel internationally. The Serbia passport has become a highly sought after document, offering visa free access to 148 countries across the world and a high quality of life for a fraction of the cost of EU countries and the US.

In this guide you’ll learn about:

Overview of the Serbian Passport

Serbian passport ranking

The strength of the Serbia passport is currently 64th based on the Global Passport Index from GCS. The ranking is based on various factors, let’s take a closer look:

  • Enhanced mobility index: 70th
  • Investment index: 59th
  • Quality of life index: 77th

Types of Serbian Passports

  • Regular passport: Issued to all Serbian citizens.
  • Diplomatic passport: Granted by the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this passport is issued to diplomats, high-ranking officials, members of parliament, and individuals on official state business, including their immediate family members.
  • Official passport: Shares all characteristics with the diplomatic passport but does not carry the advantages of diplomatic immunity. Issued to mid and low-ranking officials, as well as non-diplomatic staff at embassies and consulates
  • Emergency travel document: Issued to Serbian citizens facing emergencies or who don’t hold a valid passport and have urgent travel needs. Requests for emergency passports may require proof of emergency, such as a police report, a medical appointment, or funeral arrangements.

Passport ranking 


Enhanced Mobility Index 


Visa free countries 


eTA countries 


Visa on arrival countries 



6.6 million

Serbia Passport Visa Free Countries

Concerning global mobility, Serbian passports provide visa free access to over 100 countries, enhancing global mobility. There are 148 Serbian passport via free countries including China, Russia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and all EU countries. Let’s take a closer look:

Albaniavisa free (90 days)
Algeriavisa required
Andorravisa free (90 days)
Angolavisa required
Antigua and Barbudavisa free (180 days)
Argentinavisa free (90 days)
Armeniavisa free (180 days)
Austriavisa free (90 days)
Bangladeshvisa on arrival
Barbadosvisa free (90 days)
Belarusvisa free (30 days)
Belgiumvisa free (90 days)
Belizevisa required
Boliviavisa on arrival
Bosnia and Herzegovinavisa free (90 days)
Brazilvisa free (90 days)
Bruneivisa required
Bulgariavisa free (90 days)
Burkina Fasoe-visa
Burundivisa on arrival
Cambodiavisa on arrival
Canadavisa required
Cabo Verdevisa on arrival
Central African Republicvisa required
Chadvisa required
Chilevisa free (90 days)
Chinavisa free (30 days)
Colombiavisa free (90 days)
Comorosvisa on arrival
Congovisa required
DR Congoe-visa
Costa Ricavisa free (90 days)
Ivory Coaste-visa
Croatiavisa free (90 days)
Cubavisa free (90 days)
Cyprusvisa free (90 days)
Czech Republicvisa free (90 days)
Denmarkvisa free (90 days)
Dominicavisa free (21 days)
Dominican Republicvisa free
Ecuadorvisa free (90 days)
Egyptvisa on arrival
El Salvadorvisa required
Equatorial Guineae-visa
Eritreavisa required
Estoniavisa free (90 days)
Swazilandvisa free (30 days)
Fijivisa free (120 days)
Finlandvisa free (90 days)
Francevisa free (90 days)
Gambiavisa free (90 days)
Georgiavisa free (360 days)
Germanyvisa free (90 days)
Ghanavisa required
Greecevisa free (90 days)
Grenadavisa free (90 days)
Guatemalavisa required
Guinea-Bissauvisa on arrival
Guyanavisa required
Haitivisa free (90 days)
Hondurasvisa required
Hong Kongvisa free (14 days)
Hungaryvisa free (90 days)
Icelandvisa free (90 days)
Indonesiavisa on arrival
Iraqvisa required
Irelandvisa required
Israelvisa free (90 days)
Italyvisa free (90 days)
Jamaicavisa on arrival
Japanvisa free (90 days)
Jordanvisa on arrival
Kazakhstanvisa free (30 days)
Kiribativisa required
Kosovovisa free (90 days)
Kuwaitvisa on arrival
Kyrgyzstanvisa free (90 days)
Laovisa on arrival
Latviavisa free (90 days)
Lebanonvisa on arrival
Liberiavisa required
Libyavisa required
Liechtensteinvisa free (90 days)
Lithuaniavisa free (90 days)
Luxembourgvisa free (90 days)
Macaovisa free (90 days)
Madagascarvisa on arrival
Maldivesvisa on arrival
Malivisa required
Maltavisa free (90 days)
Marshall Islandsvisa required
Mauritaniavisa on arrival
Mauritiusvisa on arrival
Mexicovisa required
Micronesiavisa free (30 days)
Moldovavisa free (90 days)
Monacovisa free (90 days)
Mongoliavisa free (90 days)
Montenegrovisa free (90 days)
Moroccovisa required
Mozambiquevisa on arrival
Namibiavisa required
Nauruvisa required
Nepalvisa on arrival
Netherlandsvisa free (90 days)
New Zealandvisa required
Nicaraguavisa on arrival
Nigervisa required
North Koreavisa required
North Macedoniavisa free (90 days)
Norwayvisa free (90 days)
Omanvisa on arrival
Palauvisa on arrival
Palestinevisa free
Panamavisa free (90 days)
Papua New Guineavisa required
Paraguayvisa required
Peruvisa free (90 days)
Philippinesvisa required
Polandvisa free (90 days)
Portugalvisa free (90 days)
Qatarvisa on arrival
Romaniavisa free (90 days)
Russiavisa free (30 days)
Rwandavisa on arrival
Saint Kitts and Nevise-visa
Saint Luciavisa required
Samoavisa on arrival
San Marinovisa free (90 days)
Sao Tome and Principee-visa
Saudi Arabiavisa required
Senegalvisa required
Seychellesvisa free (90 days)
Sierra Leonee-visa
Singaporevisa free (30 days)
Slovakiavisa free (90 days)
Sloveniavisa free (90 days)
Solomon Islandsvisa required
Somaliavisa on arrival
South Africavisa required
South Koreae-visa
South Sudane-visa
Spainvisa free (90 days)
Sri Lankae-visa
Saint Vincent and the Grenadinesvisa free (90 days)
Sudanvisa required
Surinamevisa free (30 days)
Swedenvisa free (90 days)
Switzerlandvisa free (90 days)
Syriavisa required
Taiwanvisa required
Tanzaniavisa on arrival
Timor-Lestevisa on arrival
Togovisa on arrival
Tongavisa required
Trinidad and Tobagovisa free (30 days)
Tunisiavisa required
Turkmenistanvisa required
Tuvaluvisa on arrival
Turkeyvisa free (90 days)
Ukrainevisa free (30 days)
United Arab Emiratesvisa free (90 days)
United Kingdomvisa required
United Statesvisa required
Uruguayvisa free (90 days)
Uzbekistanvisa free (30 days)
Vanuatuvisa free (30 days)
Vaticanvisa free (90 days)
Venezuelavisa required
Yemenvisa required
Zambiavisa free (90 days)
Zimbabwevisa on arrival
Afghanistanvisa required

Serbia Passport Benefits

A foreign national who becomes a Serbian citizen and acquires a valid passport from the Republic, secures a plan B and new opportunities for themself and their family members. Here are some of the Serbia passport benefits:

GCS Icon PoundsStable economy

Serbia is gaining increasing attention from foreign investors seeking a foothold in the European market due to its long history of economic stability. Serbia passport holders can conduct business in a stable country that has proved its resilience against challenging economic conditions. Additionally, Serbia’s GDP has grown significantly from $50.64 billion in 2028 to $75.19 billion in 2023. For those looking to start a business in Serbia, the Serbia Residency Through Company Formation program offers the ideal opportunity to obtain residency while starting a business in a stable economy in Europe.

GCS-ICONS-56Enhanced global mobility

A valid passport from the Republic of Serbia provides access to 148 visa free countries. Serbian passport holders can access the Schengen Area visa free for 90 out of 180 days, as well as strict countries such as Russia and China. Additionally, a valid Serbian identity card allows access to six countries in the region, including Albania, Montenegro, and Turkey.

GCS-ICONS-24Free healthcare system

The Serbian government provides free universal healthcare to all citizens, including doctor visits, hospital stays, and various healthcare services. Private health insurance is also available at low premiums, providing access to a variety of fantastic private healthcare facilities.

GCS Icon Real EstateWell-developed infrastructure

Despite Serbia’s low cost of living and relatively small economy, the country has well-developed infrastructure. Major cities such as Belgrade, Novi Sad, and Kragujevac boast modern public transportation networks, including highways and railways that connect major cities, facilitating efficient travel and trade. Robust telecommunications and internet services further contribute to Serbia’s advanced infrastructure.

GCS-ICONS-47Serbia passport ranking

Serbia’s passport ranks in the top third of other global passports. According to the Global Passport Index, the Serbian passport is the 64th strongest passport worldwide when considering global mobility, investment opportunities, and quality of life factors.

GCS Icon InvestmentFantastic investment potential

Serbia offers fantastic investment potential, particularly for those looking to get into the European market. The country’s strategic location in central Europe, skilled workforce, and range of investment incentives make it a highly favorable country for foreign investors. Additionally, the Serbia Residency by Investment program is ideal for those looking to obtain a Serbian residence permit while investing in this up and coming European investment hotspot.

Take a look at our Serbia Residency by Investment Guide


How to Get a Serbian Passport

To obtain a Serbian passport, you must first acquire Serbian citizenship, which can be obtained through birth, naturalization, marriage, descent, or investment.

Serbian Passport Document Requirements

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia is the government division handling Serbian citizenship applications and Serbian passports. The following documents may be required for your application:

  • A passport application form
  • Identification document (old passport, Serbian national identity card, driver’s license, or other documents proving one’s identity)
  • Original certificate of Serbian citizenship no more than 12 months old (only required for issuance of the first biometric passport)
  • Original birth certificate (if applicable)
  • A Serbian marriage certificate (if applicable)

Serbian travel documents for children

Additional information, steps, and documents are required when applying for a child’s travel document in the Republic of Serbia. The following documents and steps needed include:

  • Both parents must appear in person to submit a minor child’s passport application.
  • Applications submitted by a sole parent must include certified written consent from the other parent.
  • Applications for international travel documents for children with a foreign parent must include written consent or a signed statement of compliance.

Serbian Passport Application: Step by Step Process

  1. Step one: Determine your eligibility: You must be a Serbian citizen, you can obtain Serbian citizenship by naturalization, marriage, descent, exception, and if you are a Kosovan citizen.
  2. Step two: Gather required documents: Ensure you have the documents needed for a Serbian passport application.
  3. Step three: Submit the Serbia passport application form: Submit the application at a Serbian diplomatic, consular mission abroad, or embassy.
  4. Step four: Biometric data collection: Submit your fingerprints, photos, and signature at the consulate or embassy.
  5. Step five: Pay the Serbian passport fees
  6. Step six: Collect your passport

Serbian Passport Renewal

Renewing a Serbian biometric passport involves submitting a passport application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and requesting an in-person appointment to receive a new passport. Overseas applications must be submitted to the nearest Serbian Embassy or Consulate.

If applying for a lost or stolen passport, applicants must obtain a police report from their local police station, provide a written statement, and provide a form of identification.

Processing Time for a Serbia Passport Application

How long it takes to process a Serbia passport largely depends on whether you applied through the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Serbia or overseas at a Serbian Embassy or Consulate. Passport applications submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs have a processing time of 60 days.

Applications submitted at a consular office overseas may take slightly longer, depending on the office and country.

Validity Period of Serbian Passports

The Serbia passport validity period for adults and children over 14 is ten years. Serbian passports have a total of three validity periods, depending on the age of the applicant.

Applicant's Age

Validity Period

0 to 2 years old

Three years

3 to 13 years old

Five years

14 years old and above

Ten years

Serbia Passport Cost

The fee to obtain a Serbian biometric passport in Serbia is RSD 3600 (about $31/€30). Passports issued by a Serbian Embassy or Consular office typically cost between $70 and $80.

How Can Global Citizen Solutions Help You?

Global Citizen Solutions is a boutique migration consultancy firm with years of experience delivering bespoke residence and citizenship by investment solutions for international families. With offices worldwide and an experienced, hands-on team, we have helped hundreds of clients worldwide acquire citizenship, residence visas, or homes while diversifying their portfolios with robust investments. 

We guide you from start to finish, taking you beyond your citizenship or residency by investment application. 

Frequently Asked Questions About the Serbian Passport

Can an American get a Serbian passport?

US citizens seeking a foreign citizenship can get a passport from the Republic of Serbia if they obtain Serbian citizenship by birth through Serbian ancestry, marriage to a Serbian national, naturalization, or exception.

Can I have dual citizenship in Serbia?

Yes, Serbia permits dual citizenship, allowing you to retain your original nationality while obtaining Serbian citizenship. This can be beneficial for those with family, cultural, or business connections to Serbia.

How powerful is a Serbian passport?

According to the Global Passport Index, the Serbia passport ranks 64th. This is based on enhanced mobility with access to 148 countries visa free, investment potential, and quality of life. 

How to get Serbian passport?

To obtain a Serbian passport, you must first acquire Serbian citizenship. Citizenship can be obtained through descent, exception, or permanent residence.

Which countries can Serbia enter without a visa?

Serbia passport holders can travel visa free to 148 visa free and visa on arrival countries, including China, Russia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and most countries in the Schengen Area.

Is the Serbia passport biometric?

New passports issued in Serbia contain biometric information. Biometric passports were introduced in Serbia on 1 July 2008.

How to renew a Serbian passport in the USA?

Serbia passport holders can renew their passport or replace a damage, lost or stolen existing passport in the United States by contacting their nearest Serbian Consulate or Embassy. They must submit their expired Serbian passport, proof of residence in the USA, and passport-size photos. An appointment may be necessary and applicable fees must be paid. 

Can I get a Serbian passport if I marry a Serbian citizen?

Yes, a foreign citizen can obtain a Serbian passport and Serbian citizenship if they marry a Serbian citizen. Valid Serbian marriage certificates are required as proof.

What documents are needed for Serbian passport renewal?

To renew a Serbian passport, you typically need:

  • A completed application form
  • Your current Serbian passport
  • Two recent passport-sized photos
  • A valid identity document (e.g., Serbian ID card)
  • Proof of citizenship (citizenship certificate, if required)

Can I renew my Serbian passport online?

No, Serbia does not allow for online passport applications. You will need to go to your nearest Serbian embassy or consulate.

What are the benefits of Serbian passport?

Benefits of the Serbian passport include:

  • Access to a stable economy
  • Enhanced global mobility
  • Access to the free healthcare system
  • Well-developed infrastructure
  • Strong passport ranking
  • Fantastic investment potential

How to apply for a passport in Serbia?

To apply for a Serbian passport, you must:

  • Check eligibility: Must be a Serbian citizen
  • Gather documents
  • Submit application
  • Provide biometrics
  • Pay fees

How long does it take to get a Serbian passport?

Passport applications submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs have a processing time of about 60 days.

How much does a Serbian passport cost?

The fee to obtain a Serbian biometric passport in Serbia is RSD 3600 (about $34). Passports issued by a Serbian Embassy or Consular office typically cost between $70 and $80.

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