As a country that recognizes multiple citizenships, there are several ways to obtain St Kitts and Nevis dual citizenship, including by birthday, descent, naturalization, marriage, and investment. This guide explains all the available options to become a St Kitts and Nevis dual citizen.

Overview of St Kitts and Nevis Dual Citizenship

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The Saint Christopher and Nevis Citizenship Act under Section 93 of the St Kitts and Nevis Constitution recognizes dual and multiple citizenship and provides various routes to getting a St Kitts and Nevis second passport. These options include:

  • Naturalization
  • Birth
  • Descent
  • Marriage
  • Investment

You can obtain citizenship in St Kitts and Nevis without having to give up your existing citizenship. It is important to note that while St Kitts and Nevis allows dual citizenship, not all other countries do. As such, it is important to check the dual/multiple citizenship laws of the country you already hold citizenship. For example, countries like Spain have restrictions on dual citizenship status and which citizens can hold it, whereas China does not allow dual citizenship at all.

St Kitts and Nevis Dual Citizenship Eligible Routes

There are four routes to obtain multiple citizenship in St Kitts and Nevis.

Citizenship by birth

Any child born on St Kitts and Nevis soil will automatically be granted citizenship at birth (jus soil), regardless of the nationality held by their parents.

Citizenship by descent

Persons born in St Kitts and Nevis or abroad are recognized as citizens if at least one of their parents is Kittitian and Nevisian (jus sanguinis). Qualified individuals must submit an application form to the Ministry of National Security, either in person or through a consular.

The Saint Christopher and Nevis Citizenship Act treats biological, stepchildren, and legally adopted children equally. The Act allows the government to grant citizenship to stepchildren and legally adopted children of a St Kitts and Nevis national.

The form must provide the following information of their parents:

  • Names
  • Dates of birth
  • Places of birth
  • Places of usual residence

In addition to this form, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Applicant’s birth certificate
  • Parents’ birth certificates (certified by a Justice of Peace or Notary)
  • Grandparents’ birth certificates, if applicable (certified by a Justice of Peace or Notary)
  • Police certificate (for applicants 16 and older)
  • Two passport-sized photos

You will also need to pay an application fee of $55.

Citizenship by marriage

saint kitts and nevis dual citizenship programs

The spouse of a St Kitts and Nevis national can apply for citizenship after three years of legal marriage. An application form must be sent to the Ministry of National Security and Information, along with the following documents:

  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificate (applicant)
  • Birth certificate (spouse)
  • Divorce decree or death certificate (applicable if either spouse was previously married)
  • Police certificate from any place the applicant has resided in the past six months
  • Two passport-sized photos

If your marriage was registered before 1983, the application fee is $185. If your marriage was registered after 1983, the application fee is $370.

It is important to note that the government can choose to reject an application for citizenship if the spouses are divorcing or no longer live together.

Citizenship by naturalization

Long-term residents of St Kitts and Nevis can apply for citizenship by naturalization. This route to citizenship is the longest, as applicants must have permanent residency and lived in St Kitts and Nevis for at least 14 consecutive years and must have resided in the Commonwealth country continuously for the 12 years prior to submitting their application.

Applicants must submit a form to the Ministry of National Security, and it must include the registered addresses of anywhere the applicant has lived in the country. If you are acquiring citizenship, you will need to pay a fee of $5,320.

Citizenship by investment

Introduced in 1984 under Part II, Section 3 (5) of the Citizenship Act, the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Program allows foreign nationals to get second citizenship by making an economic contribution to the county. Applicants must:

  • Be over 18 years old
  • Have a clean criminal record
  • Have good character
  • Not have been declared bankrupt within ten years of applying
  • Make a minimum investment

Qualifying investments include four investment options:

  1. Donation to the Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC): Requires a non-refundable contribution of $250,000 to the Sustainable Island State Contribution (federal consolidated fund).
  2. Approved real estate shares investment: Require an acquisition of $325,00 worth of shares in an approved St Kitts and Nevis real estate development
  3. Approved private home purchase: Requires an $600,000 purchase of an approved single-family private dwelling.
  4. Approved Public Benefit Option contribution: The Public Benefit Option requires a non-refundable contribution of $250,000 to an Approved Public Benefit Project.

The St Kitts and Nevis real estate citizenship option requires investors to maintain their investment for five years for share acquisition and seven years for private home purchases.

Check out our St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment - The Ultimate Guide by Experts

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